With delicate and subtle work, Pol Solà builds an abstract universe inspired mostly by nature. Balance is one of his main themes in the constant search for harmony and equilibrium. His elements float, intertwine, and reach a state of perfect consonance.
His work flows between the digital and the physical. In this sense, Phygital Art Show is a multi-channel and multidimensional exhibition, as the gallery’s physical space is amplified on a purely digital level. Both kinds of artwork complement each other in parallel and simultaneous planes as part of the same surreal landscape.
Light is a binding material in both dimensions, but it’s with the orchestration of gradients and colors that a particular emotionality arises. There is silence, depth, and an introspective stillness.
Theory of Gradients

Black & Light

In the oscillation between the digital and the physical, Solà passes through a continuous exploration of material natures. In this case, he generates a sequence of works that ranges from pure mechanization in the virtual dimension, to the more chirographic process of acrylic. His body of work is both extraordinary and hybrid since his own process fluctuates between 2d and 3d.
As a digital artist, he vindicates and celebrates the expressive possibilities of this medium instead of representing a likeness of reality. With this in mind, he produces expansive works that reverberate back on themselves, as well as environments that evoke a meditative state, like windows to another time.
Big Calm
Original Artwork
180cm x 130cm
180cm x 130cm

From 3D to Acrylics

Beyond This Side
Is a collection of pieces that speaks about the human sides, in a very synthetic and minimalistic style, working with reflexions, transparencies and colors.

Printed on glass

Phygital Art Show can be viewed from Nov 22 to Dec 17 at Pelayo 52 in Madrid, or virtually from www.silk-gallery.com